Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Happy 20th Birthday to HOD!!

January 10th marked the 20th birthday of a very, very special place – our very own H. Olive Day School! Our school first opened the doors to the patter of little feet on January 10, 1994. Since then, over 3,000 pairs of little feet have learned and grown at our school. 
Now, that is something to celebrate - so we did just that on January 24th! Our entire school family assembled in our auditorium to celebrate 20 years of academic and personal growth, friendship and fun at HOD! Classes decorated paper birthday cakes to display outside their classrooms and created lists of 20 things they love about HOD! No birthday celebration is complete without cupcakes, so we had over 400 of them!!They were prominently displayed in the middle of our auditorium during our celebration and enthusiastically eaten in the classrooms after the assembly. The focal point of our display was a super-sized felt cupcake created by Mrs. Ann Hurley, HOD’s school nurse! Mr. Dan Corsini of Norfolk Cable TV came to film the festivities and Mr. Mark Pizzi was our official HOD photographer! Thanks to all of our students and staff members and everyone who participated in this very special celebration for a very special school. Happy Birthday, dear HOD, Happy Birthday to YOU! 

To watch the video of our birthday celebration, please click here

New HOD Playground!

Now that the snow is melting, we can once again see our beautiful new playground!
The excavation and installation process was longer than we anticipated, but it was well worth the wait!. When the weather permits, the sod will be installed on the playing field and the full project will be complete. We look forward to having our ‘Grand Opening’ in the fall when the entire play area will be in full use! All of us at HOD thank the residents of Norfolk, particularly the members of the Norfolk Conservation Commission and the Norfolk School Committee and Dr. Ingrid Allardi, our superintendent for their assistance with this project. We truly appreciate their support! Our students love using this wonderful, accessible play area. They even enjoyed watching the daily progress of the construction. Our new playground is a fabulous 20th birthday present for HOD!

For those of you who didn’t get to see that work in progress, here are some photos for you to enjoy!!